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‘Tis the season for tree orders!

‘Tis the season for tree orders at your local conservation district or MSU Extension office! There are two different nurseries to order from, Lincoln-Oakes in Bismarck and the Montana Conservation Seedling Nursery in Missoula. Each Conservation District and Extension office has a different tree order deadline, be sure to check with your local office to submit your tree orders on time! Visit the Conservation District Directory to contact your local office.

A few things to consider before ordering:

Lincoln Oakes Nursery

  •  The purchaser is responsible for shipping and handling costs
  • Must be ordered through a conservation district, MSU Extension does not offer
  • Limited quantities on certain species
  • 5 different seedling sizes
  • Minimum order of $200, or retail prices applied

Montana Conservation Seedling Nursery

  • Purchaser must have conservation plan for planting approved by NRCS or County Extension Agent
  • Purchaser required to pay upon order of seedlings
  • Full payment required for orders less than $200. For orders over $200, a 50% deposit is required
  • Orders must be received by April 1st to ensure delivery by state truck (free)
  • 2 different seedling sizes and small and large container sizes
  • Limited quantities on certain species

Montana Conservation Seedling Nursery Seedling List

Montana Conservation Seedling Nursery Order Form

Examples of conservation plans for seedlings include:

  • Windbreaks and shelter-belts
  • Wildlife habitat enhancement
  • Reforestation or re-vegetation
  • Erosion control or streambank stabilization
  • Living snow fences

**Select Conservation Districts have tree-planters available, contact your local office to check-out a tree-planter.

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