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MT Outdoor Heritage Survey

“Montana is facing a growing need to increase dedicated funding to better protect our way of life and help local communities respond.  The Montana Outdoor Heritage Project is bringing together Montanans from all walks of life to discuss how we do it. ” MOHP

The Montana Outdoor Heritage Project is conducting a survey to better understand what Montanans value, to identify how those values can be supported fiscally. All residents are encouraged to take the survey and contribute their thoughts. The survey includes a plethora of options to choose from, as well as an option for the participant to add their own thoughts if they were not listed. Participants can choose from resource needs such as preventing the loss of farms and ranches, preventing loss of hunting and fishing areas, enhancement of public trails, and more.

“The goal of the survey is to understand whether and how Montana should invest new resources in our great outdoors. It should take 5-10 minutes to complete and your answers will be completely anonymous. Data from the survey will be analyzed by the Montana Outdoor Heritage Project and full results will be made public later this year.” MOHP

Visit the website here to take the survey!

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