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The Mission of the partnership is to further the health and sustainable use of Montana’s rangeland ecosystems.

History The Montana Rangelands Partnership (MRP) was created in 2016 to provide voluntary on-the-ground technical assistance and educational services for ranchers in central and eastern Montana. MRP follows the model of other rangeland conservation efforts such as the Montana Rangeland Monitoring Program and Undaunted Stewardship, and we have created a set of programs to assist landowners using the best pieces of these past successes.

Our Staff
Our steering committee is comprised of partner representatives:

  • Stacey Barta, Rangeland Resources Program Coordinator, DNRC
  • Rachel Frost, Coordinator for the Missouri River Conservation Districts Council
  • Rick Caquelin, Area Range Specialist, NRCS
  • Jeff Mosley, Range Management Specialist, MSU Extension
  • Ann McCauley, Associate Director, SWCDM

We also have field technicians on staff to provide on-the-ground technical assistance:

  • Cheryl Schuldt, Eastern Region
  • Casey Gallagher, Central Region
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