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Rangeland Apps

Applications for your iPhone, Android, or Tablet

Pasture Map

PastureMap allows producers to manage every detail of their grazing systems. You can draw pasture boundaries, input forage production, add weight records for each animal, and even calculate the number of grazing days available in every pasture! There is a free option for managing less than 100 animals, but with a subscription, you can make more detailed maps, add multiple users, subdivide pastures, and more, depending on the package you choose.
Montana Wildflowers

Wildflowers of Montana

This free app was developed by a large group of professors, botanists, and outdoor enthusiasts to guide users through identifying more than 3,300 grass, forb, lichen, moss, fern, cactus, aquatic plants, shrub, and tree species in Montana. Web links are also provided for each plant so you can learn more about what’s growing on your landscape, and updates to the Apple version allow you to record coordinates of specific plant sightings. It’s like having a free textbook in your back pocket!

Montana Grasses

Created by High Country Apps and Montana State, this app helps you identify 210 different grass species in Montana and the western U.S., by selecting key characteristics such as leaf width, habitat, and blade texture. A one-time fee of $5 gives you photos, descriptions, and facts about our most common rangeland grasses. While on the High Country website, also check out Idaho Wildflowers for a guide to over 800 western forbs and shrubs!


GrassSnap was developed by the University of Nebraska to provide landowners with a quick and easy monitoring tool that you can carry in your pocket. The app lets you take photos, mark GPS points, and record basic grazing and range health information that can be downloaded onto your home computer. And to get started, UN Extension has a great set of user guides on their website to help you make the most out of this tool. Oh yeah, did we mention it’s free!

Cow Poop Analyzer

You can use your Smartphone and a pile of poop to figure out your forage quality!
Developed by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, this app is available to help cattle producers estimate forage quality for livestock on pastures and maintain records. After taking a photo of the “typical” fecal pat in a pasture, pat can be compared to several different stock photos to determine the approximate crude protein and digestibility of forage cattle are consuming. This information can be saved with a title and pasture name and a date will automatically be assigned for future reference.

Rangeland Analysis Platform

The Rangeland Analysis Platform is an innovative online mapping tool that can be used by anyone—no fees or registration required! This free tool provides quick snapshots of rangeland vegetation. It allows users to easily compare trends in rangeland resources through time at a ranch, county, or watershed scale. This helps people plan conservation and management actions that improve grazing lands, bolster valuable water and soil resources, and prevent weeds and wildfire.

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