Rangeland Apps
Applications for your iPhone, Android, or Tablet
Pasture Map
Wildflowers of Montana
This free app was developed by a large group of professors, botanists, and outdoor enthusiasts to guide users through identifying more than 3,300 grass, forb, lichen, moss, fern, cactus, aquatic plants, shrub, and tree species in Montana. Web links are also provided for each plant so you can learn more about what’s growing on your landscape, and updates to the Apple version allow you to record coordinates of specific plant sightings. It’s like having a free textbook in your back pocket!
Montana Grasses

Cow Poop Analyzer

Rangeland Analysis Platform
The Rangeland Analysis Platform is an innovative online mapping tool that can be used by anyone—no fees or registration required! This free tool provides quick snapshots of rangeland vegetation. It allows users to easily compare trends in rangeland resources through time at a ranch, county, or watershed scale. This helps people plan conservation and management actions that improve grazing lands, bolster valuable water and soil resources, and prevent weeds and wildfire.